Nurturing & Inclusive Environment

Nurturing & Inclusive Environment

At Young Riders Childcare Centre, we are committed to fostering a nurturing environment where every child feels valued, supported, and cared for. Our goal is to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where children can grow and develop to their fullest potential.
In our nurturing environment, we prioritize emotional well-being and social development. We provide ample opportunities for children to express their feelings, thoughts, and ideas in a safe and supportive space. Through activities such as group discussions, storytime, and cooperative play, children learn important social skills such as communication, empathy, and conflict resolution.
We believe in providing an inclusive program where every child, with and without disabilities, will be able to engage as fully as possible in their learning and feel that they belong. Beside an inclusive program our curriculum will also be focused on Individuality of each child. As each child is unique in his /her learning style and ability, we provide many different activities for each child’s stage in development.
Our Centre is based on the combination of two Philosophies. Howard Garner’s Philosophy believes there is Multiple Intelligence in children that help them in their learning. The Reggio Emilia approach is an inclusive approach that engages children, parents, teachers and community as being an essential component to a child’s learning.
Teachers observe each child’s individual developmental needs and give support in that particular area at the right time. A child’s family is the most important influence in their lives. To create the best experience for the child’s family , Young Riders Staff partners in the child’s learning and in their holistic development.